The Tasmanian Theatre Company’s production, “I Am My Own Wife” opened at the Earl Arts Centre and totally enthralled its opening night audience.
Directed by Annette Downs, the play deals with the astounding life of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, a Berlin transvestite, and her influence on and relationship with Doug Wright.
Wright translated his interviews with von Mahlsdorf into the script that became “I Am My Own Wife”.
The play is rich in history, wit, charm, style, humour and pathos and is wonderfully wrought by performer Robert Jarman.
From his opening entrance, Jarman engages the audience and sustains a beautifully supportive relationship as he shifts between von Mahlsdorf and all the characters who populated her life.
He richly deserved the warm and enthusiastic ovation he received at the end ofthe performance(s).
This is a truly professional production.
The set is intelligent, interactive and greets you with real weight. The story and performance are both supported with subtle and superb lighting. The soundscape has been selected and structured with impeccable attention to mood, detail and impact. Every element combines to create a truly memorable theatrical event.
The production continues at the Earl Arts Centre until May 9.
See it if you can.
This is what quality theatre is about.
Title: Production Delivers to its Audience
Date: May, 2009
Publication: The Examiner
Author: Jeff Hayes
Details: I Am My Own Wife, Tasmanian Theatre Company, Earl Arts Theatre / Backspace Theatre.